Our privacy policy

We respect your privacy and we want you, while using our services and being in contact with our company, to have as much user-friendliness and comfort. That is why we only collect those personal information, which are necessary and are required by law.

We give increased attention to the protection of personal information. We want you to be sure, that youŕ data is safe with us and that we will never provide them to any third party without your explicit consent.



Company name Opinor, s.r.o.
Reg. number 05563011
VAT number
Tax number 05563011
Adress Příčná 1892/4 , Praha 1 , 11000, Czech Republic

is the intermediary, which in their activities processes personal information in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and the EU Council 2016/679 ("GDPR") Company for specialized activities uses services of intermediaries, who are obliged to respect privacy within the terms of GDPR.


The persons concerned:

The provider operates a website where the cookie technology is used. That is why all site visitors are considered as concerned persons, even if they did not provide any data. Other groups of concerned persons are visitors, who have filled out a specific purpose form on the site for and have also given consent to process the data provided by the form.

A separate group consists of the customers of the company, where further data is required for legal reasons when a contract is concluded.


Scope of processed data and processing account

Personal data is processed solely for the legitimate interests of the company and the fulfillment of legal obligations in accordance with GDPR

For all concerned persons we process: Identification of person, IP adress, cookies
For newsletter subscribers: Identification of person, name, email adress
For customers: Name, surname, data from the person's ID card or from any other document presented, address, email, phone number and other data relevant to the contract


We provide users with detailed information on the use of cookies with the ability to grant or revoke consent for individual types of cookies online on the site. We use anonymization of IP addresses within the cookie service Google Analytics.


Time of retention of personal data

The retention period of personal data varies depending on the purpose and legal basis of the processing of your personal data. In general, the Company holds personal data for the following time periods:
  if personal data are processed for the purpose of complying with a statutory obligation - for as long as required by applicable law
  if personal data is processed on the basis of consent - for the period for which consent was granted or until the time of withdrawal of consent


Rights of the persons concerned:

The persons concerned have the right to:

  • information about the processing of your personal data;
  • gain access to personal data that is stored on you;
  • request the correction of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete personal data;
  • ask for the deletion of personal data when it is no longer needed or if the processing is illegal;
  • to object to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes or on the basis of your specific situation;
  • request to limit the processing of your personal data in specific cases;
  • get their personal data in a machine-readable format and send them to another provider ("data portability");
  • ask, that decisions based on automated processing, that affect you and are based on your personal data, are to be performed by individuals rather than by computers. You also have the right to express your opinion in this case and to oppose the decision.


To exercise your rights, you should contact a Data Protection Officer


We will respond to your request within one month. When you are going to want to exercise your rights, you may be asked to provide information to confirm your identity (eg. click on a verification link, enter a username or password)

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Příčná 1892/4
110 00 PRAHA 1

DIČ: CZ05563011
IČO: 05563011

  CZ: 00420 606 046 089
  SK: 00421 948 614 678

Privacy policy

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